Terms of Service

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It is your responsibility to read and understand the Terms of Service prior to making a purchase or requesting a custom creation.

By placing an order or requesting a custom creation, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted all the terms described herein.

Please read these terms carefully. If you agree to my terms, you follow my rules.

Clients who have commissioned and/or received work or services before this TOS has gone into effect are still bound to its contents.

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My artwork is my passion. I put a lot of time, energy, and love into what I do. I want my creations to bring joy and inspiration to those who view and interact with them.

That being said, please utilize common sense and common courtesy when interacting with me and my work. I will treat you with respect, but I expect the same courtesy in return. Basically, be a decent person.

The Artist and Client will communicate via email. I will NOT discuss any commission work via any instant messaging, texting or messaging app, journal, social media, or public forum service. Please do not attempt to discuss specific commission work with me via social media platforms or public forum topics, as I will simply refer you to my website and the information listed on my commission pages.

To initiate a commission request, please use the Custom Request Forms available on my commission pages, and I will contact you for further communication from that point.

I reserve the right to refuse service to any Client for any reason.

Any harassment in an attempt to bargain for artwork or a commission slot will not be tolerated. This includes inappropriately worded comments on my social media profiles, as well as private messages and emails.

Nasty attitudes and ill behavior will not be tolerated. If you are excessively or continuously rude, demanding, childish, inappropriate, or unpleasant to work with, your commission will be canceled and you will not be refunded.


Please keep in mind that I am a sole proprietor and managing my business takes up a significant amount of my time. I don't get to work on actively creating new artwork as often as one might expect due to the amount of time I have to spend working on business-related tasks, such as marketing and managing my media accounts, Patreon updates, participating in events, responding to custom request, researching and restocking art materials, ordering art supplies, restocking my shop inventory, fulfilling shop orders and custom request, updating my website, etc. I'm also attending school, and so I have classes and homework that also cut into my productivity time.

Because a healthy work-life balance is important (and because I have the tendency to hyperfocus to the point of burnout), I have to take time away from work so that I can rest, refocus and reinvigorate my muse.

On these off days, I try (but don't always succeed) to refrain from work-related actions such as custom work, managing social media, answering messages, fulfilling and shipping orders, or updating my website.

I typically try to set weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) aside for rest, relaxation, reconnection, and personal time.

Any local events, such as fairs, festivals, marketplaces, or conventions, that I intend to participate in will be announced on Patreon and other social media outlets.


I will always try to fulfill your order or complete your custom as quickly as possible. If any unexpected issues arise that may delay your order or commission, I will contact you as soon as possible to inform you of this change.

In the case of commissions and custom work, estimated turnaround will be provided upon request at the time of the initial payment, unless a deadline has already been discussed.

Please understand that I am a real person with real life obligations; unforeseen events and emergencies do come up from time to time.

Delays are never my goal, of course, but sometimes life gets in the way and unexpected things happen. Sometimes certain materials may be out of stock or a particular color of fabric is just impossible to find, or my usual faux fur suppliers are back ordered.

If you want to keep on top of what's going on, I post frequent updates to my Patreon about my work schedule, website and inventory updates, current projects and works in progress, upcoming events, sales, vacations, and any setbacks or issues that might cause delays or prevent me from working.

I will always keep you informed if I find myself busier than expected or if anything comes up that may affect the fulfillment of your order or the progress of your commission.


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YES, I will:

Create animal characters and/or hybrid creatures, real or imaginary, with appropriate references.

Create human and humanoid creatures and characters with appropriate references.

Create cute, dark, creepy, spooky, scary, whimsical, playful, elegant, beautiful, ethereal, serene and sorrowful content.

Create content based on mythical, fantastical, magical elements, and certain spiritual or pagan elements.

Create content based on science, biology, realism and anatomical correctness.

Create content based on natural elements such as plants, trees, flowers, herbs, fungi, stones, crystals, etc, and any animal hybrids thereof.


Create anthropomorphic animals (ie. furries), however I have a high preference for more anatomically natural "feral" creatures.

Create innanimate objects, food, environmental elements, etc. and any animal hybrids thereof.

Create literary characters or creatures (as described in books) on a case-by-case basis.

Create cartoony, comic-style or humorous / satirical content on a case-by-case basis.

NO, I will not:

Copy someone else's style or artwork.

Recreate copyrighted visual characters, creatures, or species. (i.e: TV show or movie characters, video game characters, closed species, etc.)

Create any NSFW, sexually explicit, pornographic, or vulgar content.

Create any hateful or offensive content.

Create any political propaganda.

Create any overtly religious propaganda.


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Soft fleece, minky and/or faux fur, hand-sewn over squishy polyester fiberfill and a flexible wire skeleton. Features black plastic safety eyes.

Soft fleece, minky and/or faux fur, hand-sewn over squishy polyester fiberfill and a flexible wire skeleton. Features black plastic safety eyes.

Soft fleece, minky and/or faux fur, hand-sewn over squishy polyester fiberfill. Not poseable. Features black plastic safety eyes and may be weighted with glass microbeads.


Soft fleece, minky and/or faux fur, hand-sewn over squishy polyester fiberfill. May feature black plastic safety eyes, glass insets, or embroidery.

Beaded / Weighted Flopsy:
Soft fleece, minky and/or faux fur, hand-sewn over squishy polyester fiberfill and/or glass microbeads. May feature black plastic safety eyes, glass insets, or embroidery.

Semi-Poseable / Poseable / Weighted Poseable:
Soft fleece, minky and/or faux fur, hand-sewn over squishy polyester fiberfill and a flexible plastic or blended wire skeleton. May feature black plastic safety eyes, glass insets, or embroidery. Glass microbeads may be added for weight.


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I, the Artist, hold every right to all of my Artwork.

By commissioning me, the Client is purchasing my service as an artist only, and not the rights to my Artwork.

I reserve the right to display any of my Artwork (commissioned or otherwise) on any personal website or gallery, to use my Artwork to create prints or other products, to use my Artwork in promotional materials, and to use my own Artwork any way I deem fit.

If the Client chooses not to receive a physical commissioned or custom Artwork, such as a plushie or stuffed animal, I reserve the right to sell it at a later date.


You, the Client, agree to the policy of using my Artwork solely for personal, non-profit purposes unless otherwise discussed, and to provide all image credits to me.

You may display my Artwork on external sites as long as it is visibly credited and linked back to me.

You may use my Artwork for personal use including but not limited to: avatars, phone or computer wallpapers, and personal website/profile displays as long as it is visibly credited and linked back to me.

You may resize or crop my Artwork to create icons, wallpapers, or other graphics for personal use as long as it is visibly credited and linked back to me.

You may print or create an otherwise physical reproduction of my Artwork as long as it is for your PERSONAL use only (NOT for sale).

You may NOT claim any part of my Artwork as your own.

You may NOT upload or host my Artwork in any gallery that is intended to display your own work only.

You are NOT authorized to trace over my Artwork in any way, including the use of the artwork as a base."

You are NOT authorized to change, modify, edit or use any of my Artworks without my permission. This includes removing any tags, watermarks or signatures.

You are NOT authorized to print or create an otherwise physical reproduction of my Artwork for use commercially (to make money from it in any way.)

You are NOT authorized to use my Artwork for redistribution or external projects, commercial or non-commercial (i.e. t-shirts, mugs, public flyers, etc.) unless otherwise discussed.


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I, the Artist, reserve the right to refuse any custom creation request up front for any reason and without explanation.

For your convenience, I have created forms to guide you through the custom request process. These forms are a means of providing me with the information and details needed to give you an accurate cost estimate. Filling out and submitting these forms does not bind you into a commission agreement with the artist, nor does it bind the artist into an agreement with you. This form does not guarantee you a commission slot, nor a place in the commission queue.

Once I have reviewed your custom request, I will contact you via the email address you provided in the form. This will open up a dialog in which we can further discuss the nature of your commission and work out additional details and specifics as needed to provide you with an accurate cost estimate.


Character- or creature-based commissions without clear reference sheets may take longer due to the fact that I need to conceptualize the character/creature from scratch or from various inconsistent reference images.

Therefore, if the Client does not have a clear full-body reference sheet for their character/creature, there may be an additional charge required to cover the time needed to bring the concept up to the expectation of the Client.

This is mostly intended for complicated or detailed characters (complex patterns or markings, detailed accessories, unique colorations, imaginary/fictional species, etc). Simple characters of known species may be exempt from this fee, and this will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.


Once the Client and Artist have agreed upon a concept and the Client has agreed to the provided estimated cost, payment should be sent to reserve a spot in the commission queue and initiate the commission process.

Once an estimate is provided, the Client will have two weeks (14 days) to approve the estimate. Once an invoice is provided, the Client will have 1 week (7 days) to make initial payment. All commission requests are considered estimates until payment is received, and no work will be done on any commission until payment is received.

If no payment is received and the Artist receives no further communication, it will be assumed that the Client elected not to continue with the commission process, and the provided cost estimate for the commission request will expire after thirty (30) days.


Custom requests are added to the commission queue in the order that payments are received. I will not reserve slots for unpaid commissions when there are clients making full payments up front. This also applies to made-to-order items.

I do not necessarily work on commissions on a first-come, first-served basis, nor in a linear fashion. Smaller or simpler customs may be bumped in front of larger, more complicated commissions for convenience, and several projects may be worked on concurrently.


It is the responsibility of the Client to have a clear concept in mind when requesting a commission. The Artist and Client will work together to visualize this concept during the brainstorming process. Once the brainstorming process is complete, an invoice has been provided, and the commission has been started, major adjustments or changes to the commission may not be possible.

If the Client requests any edits or adjustments after the invoice has been provided, they should do so with the understanding that some requests may be unavailable, and that additional costs will apply if any changes are made. In such cases, the existing invoice will be edited to reflect these changes.

If the changes requested by the Client are significant, the commission may be returned to the brainstorming phase. In this circumstance, the commission will be placed on hold until a new estimate and invoice are provided. The commission will lose its place in the queue, if applicable, and an additional fee will be applied to the new invoice.


If a commissioned Artwork is meant to be a surprise gift, the Client must request up front for the Artist to keep any progress images from the public eye in order to avoid ruining the surprise. The Artist may also delay the public showcase of the Artwork at the request of the Client.


For any custom artwork estimated to be $100 or less, full payment is required up front. Preparatory sketchwork and rough concept art may be provided for Client approval based on their responses to the Custom Request Form; however, commission work will not be started until payment is received.

Multiple requests to change or alter the concept after an initial estimate has been given may incur additional fees. Shipping costs and sales tax are also the responsibility of the Client, and will be applied to the invoice.

To provide prompt turnarounds, progress pictures and status updates are only provided to the Client upon request.

It is my goal that you are happy with your custom product, therefore very minor changes or alterations may be possible for completed Artworks. Major changes or alterations to completed customs will incur additional fees.

The custom artwork will be delivered to the Client upon completion.


For any custom artworks estimated over $100, full cost may be split into payments. Once the Client approves the estimate, a minimum payment of 50% cost is due before the custom work is begun.

This payment is due within two weeks (14 days) of the cost estimate. Failure to render this payment within the specified time may null the commission and provided estimate. (Alternative payment options may be discussed and arranged upon request.)

Once this initial payment has been received, I will begin work on the custom artwork. Unless otherwise requested, I will provide periodic updates and progress pictures via email at various stages of the creation process, seeking feedback and approval from the Client. The Client may only make minor alterations at this time. If the Client requests any major alterations at this stage, an additional fee will be charged, and we will return to the brainstorming stage (See The Rule of Three).

Progress pictures of all my artworks are shared to my Patreon. If it has been previously discussed that the work is a surprise or secret, and the intended recipient is a Patron of mine, exceptions will be made.

Upon completion of the commissioned work, I will provide the Client with a summary of work and a final invoice reflecting the remaining balance due, as well as any additional charges associated with further alterations requested, if applicable. Shipping fees and sales tax are also the responsibility of the Client, and will be applied to this invoice.

The Artwork will not be delivered to the Client until the custom is paid in full.


For any custom artworks estimated over $500, the initial custom estimate is purely preliminary. Following the Client's approval of the preliminary estimate, a non-refundable deposit of 25% of that estimate is required to reserve the custom slot. Once this deposit is received, brainstorming and preparatory concept work begins.

During this stage, I will work closely with the Client to plan out how to most accurately capture their vision. The Client may ONLY request major changes to be made during this preparatory period. During this process, the preliminary estimate is subject to change to reflect any adjustments made by the client, as well as unforeseen difficulties and changes in composition details and materials that may arise.

After the concept is deemed complete and agreeable by both Artist and Client, I will provide an updated final estimate for the Client's approval.

Once the Client approves this estimate, the invoice will be adjusted to reflect any changes made, and a minimum payment of 50% cost is due before the work is continued. This payment is due within two weeks (14 days) of the final estimate. Failure to render this payment within the specified time may null the commission and provided estimate. (Alternative payment options can be discussed and arranged upon request.)

Once this payment has been received, the commission will begin in earnest. Unless otherwise requested, I will provide periodic updates and progress pictures via email at various stages of the creation process, seeking feedback and approval from the Client. The Client may only make minor alterations at this time. If the Client requests any major alterations at this stage, an additional fee will be charged, and we will return to the brainstorming stage (See LATE CHANGES AND ADJUSTMENTS above).

Progress pictures of all my artworks are shared to my Patreon. If it has been previously discussed that the work is a surprise or secret, and the intended recipient is a Patron of mine, exceptions will be made.

Upon completion of the commissioned work, I will provide the Client with a summary of work and a final invoice reflecting the remaining balance due, as well as any additional charges associated with further alterations requested, if applicable. Shipping fees and sales tax are also the responsibility of the Client, and will be applied to this invoice.

The Artwork will not be delivered to the Client until the custom is paid in full.


I always strive to do everything I can to make my customers happy, but I'm not psychic.

For commissions and customs, reference pictures and/or photos should be provided by the Client when appropriate. Supplementary references may be suggested by the Artist if the Artist finds certain details unclear. Please make sure you are as clear and detailed as possible in your description of the concept or idea you wish me to create for you.

This is particularly important for custom plush creations. In many cases, once something is done, it is very difficult to change. Please be very sure about what you want from the beginning. The Client should already have a general idea of what they want before initiating a custom request with me.

If you are unsure about certain specifics, I can provide suggestions and we can work together to fine-tune the details, but the core concept of the commission should already have been decided. The initial cost estimate will be based upon this core concept, and I will not be held accountable for information that the Client neglects to convey before beginning the commission. As much as I want to make things perfect, I cannot read your mind.

If you have any questions or curiosities about my customs process, please contact me and I will be happy to discuss these things with you.


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All purchases made through my website shop are made possible by Shopify. If you have any questions about Shopify, please see the Shopify website.


Digital payments and donations may be made through PayPal. Payments for commissions and customs are typically billed through a PayPal Invoice, which is sent to the Client's provided email. PayPal Invoice accepts PayPal, Venmo, and Debit or Credit Cards. Links to my PayPal are also available on my website, or can be provided by email upon request.


Digital payments and donations may be made through Ko-Fi. Ko-Fi accepts PayPal, Venmo, and Debit or Credit Cards. Links to my Ko-Fi are available on my website, or can be provided by email upon request.


Payments and donations may be made through Patreon, however Patreon is currently designed as a monthly subscription service, and one-time payments are not available.

Patreon supporters are also eligible for discounts and other perks. Links to my Patreon are available on my website, or can be provided by email upon request.


I will accept physical checks or cash payments sent via USPS, but this is not a recommended method of payment.

You must notify me ahead of time if you intend to pay with cash or check, and it MUST be well hidden in a card so that it is protected from theft during the postal process.

I will not refund any money that is lost in the mail; the client uses this method at their own risk.


If you live within the Fox Valley area of Wisconsin, you may prefer the option to meet with me in person and pay cash for your purchases.

This option can be used for custom creations and any items available for purchase through my website shop.

You must contact me prior to any purchases to make arrangements for local cash payments.


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Shipping costs are always the responsibility of the Client unless otherwise discussed.

The Artist is not responsible for shipped goods after they enter the postal system. All parcels are shipped using USPS and a tracking number will be provided and can be checked using the USPS website.

Please see my Shipping Policy for more information.


If you live within the Fox Valley area of Wisconsin, you have the option for local order fulfillment. This option is applicable for custom creations and any items available for purchase through my website shop.

If you are local and considering ordering products from my website, please contact me prior to your online purchase so I can give you a discount code to use that will remove the shipping cost from your online purchases. I will not reimburse shipping costs for local fulfillment if you made your purchase before contacting me.

We can then make arrangements to meet locally to fulfill your order instead.

Please note:
  I will never ask for your address and I will not do home deliveries.
  I will not give out my address, and I will not invite you to my place of residence.
  A public meeting place will be agreed upon for any local exchanges.


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I, the artist, reserve the right to refuse custom requests up front for any reason and without explanation.

I also reserve the right to cancel a commission at any time and to issue a refund if applicable.

This can be done if the terms of service are violated or if I am unable to complete the commission due to other obligations.

I will only issue full refunds if no work has yet been done. Once work is started, partial refunds may be issued based on time spent and the circumstances of the termination.

Please see my Returns Policy for returns/refunds on any Artworks already shipped out.


It is the responsibility of the client to monitor their own finances before commissioning me. Please consider your financial situation before going through the commission request process.

You have no right to cancel or demand a refund from the artist under any circumstances after payments are received, and I will not refund commissioners who want to back out due to their own poor financial planning.


Communication is very important to me and I will always strive to keep an open line of communication with my Clients during the commission process.

If at any point during the commission process, I reach out to you but receive no response, this hinders the progress of your commission and the commission queue as a whole. In such a case, your commission will be put on hold until I hear back from you, and I will move on to other projects.

If I still have not received a needed reply from you within two weeks (14 days), your commission will be canceled and you will not be refunded any payments already received.

If you re-initiate communication within seven (7) days of the cancellation notice, there is the possibility to revive your commission for an additional fee, however if it has been a month (28 days) or more since final contact, your commission will have been archived and you will need to restart the commission request process for a new commission.


If you have any questions about my Terms of Service, please contact me and I will be happy to help.

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to my Patreon supporters:

purple diamond Spock-Meow purple diamond

gold diamond Amakthema gold diamond Key gold diamond Mak gold diamond

red diamond Julie Spradley red diamond PookaWOODS red diamond Shenzi Swan red diamond

Thank you so much for your support!

Support me on Patreon!